As part of the Us@250 effort, New America has launched a Fellowship Program directed by Ted Johnson. The Fellowship seeks to advocate for a reimagination of the American narrative based on three core concepts: pride in the nation’s progress from its origins, reckoning with historical and contemporary wrongs that have caused the nation to fall short of its ideals, and aspiration for a multiracial and inclusive democracy governed by the principles of equality, fairness, and opportunity.
Supported by The Hearthland Foundation, the Schultz Family Foundation and others, the Us@250 Fellowship provides funding, resources, and community for Americans who put the Us@250 vision into practice: community leaders, creative artists, grassroots organizers, and cultural educators who aspire to tell a fuller, more comprehensive American story. The fellowship will honor those who are working to expand our concept of American culture and identity; create connections across differences; and model how an inclusive, multiracial society might thrive. It will facilitate projects in civic engagement, narrative change and storytelling, and cultural education that foster public participation.
Learn more here.